Tuesday 22 November 2016

Brand values: 100-10-1

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1) Nike targets a younger demographic to motivate and encourage teenagers to adapt to a more active lifestyle. Their huge array of products vary according to the performance and the physique of the consumer, which also suggest that Nike is able to target a large number of people whether or not they are involved in any sort of sport. However the quality of their products also attracts others in terms of fashion appeal; this therefore makes Nike fit into some of Dyer’s lines of appeal: successful careers/elite people – aspiring athletes are subjected to Nike’s use of celebrities in their famous adverts.

2) Nike is about quality in terms of performance and fashion.

3) Performance
Image result for premier league
Premier League
1) The premier league targets a largely male demographic, with people of all ages. It unites millions of football fans all over the world, which links to some of Dyer’s lines of appeal such as: history and culture- football is known to bring many people together in terms of supporting the same teams or competing against others- the premier league includes some of the most famous teams in the world. It could also link to self importance and pride as football fans in general are known to show passion and pride towards their teams. Also it could link to successful careers.

2) The premier league is all about competing for the title.

3) Competitive

Image result for 9gag

1) 9gag targets a younger demographic as it posts humorous as well as informative content, most of them being ‘’memes’’ that appeal to teenagers. This would therefore place 9gag in the category of comedy and humor in terms of Dyers lines of appeal. Their posts consist of things that many people would relate to – these are usually referred to ‘’third world problems’’.  This sense of community among users links to one of Dyer’s groups: happy families- everyone wants to belong. However it’s known to include content that appeals to older audiences, as some posts can trigger childhood memories e.g ‘’SpongeBob memes’’.

2) 9gag appeals to a global audience as its relatable  

3) Relatable
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The National Trust
1) The National Trust appeals to an older audience, who are interested in nature and want to preserve and respect the environment. This therefore makes the brand fit into the ‘nature and natural world’’ category in Dyer’s lines of appeal. Their charities also attract a large group of people who also want to protect the environment. This could make the national trust fit into another one of Dyers categories: happy families- everyone wants to belong- the gathering of ‘’nature lovers’’ gives the brand a sense of community. It could also link to ‘’art, culture and history’’ as it was created in 1895.

2) The National Trust aims to protect and preserve the environment. 

3) Preservation 

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Tom Ford 
1) The Tom Ford brand targets an upper class, professional group of people. It appeals to both gender groups as its products range from cosmetics/perfumes to clothing (mainly suits). Their products are very expensive as the brand is usually associated with celebrities. This immediately places the brand into one of Dyers lines of appeal which is rich, luxurious lifestyles as consumers would feel superior in a way, if they buy Tom Ford products. They also use attractive women and men to promote the brand which also links to the use of ‘’beauty/ beautiful women’’.This is also reflected in there hypersexualised adverts.

2) The Tom Ford brand combines both professionalism and luxurious lifestyles.

3) Luxury


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